
Country profile

Region: Caribbean

Area: 13,943 km2 (155th)

Population: 412,628 (181st)

Major agricultural products: Onions, Okra, Tomatoes, Oranges, Grapefruit Cucumbers

Ethnic dance (video)

Training course

Sustainable Food System Strategy for local Industry Development FY 2024

Name of participant



Ministry of Agriculture

Implementing the project after the training

Project Name

“Natural Farming; for the Good of Agriculture for
The Good of The Bahamas”

Project background

The Bahamas imports nearly 90 percent of its food at an annual cost of approximately $1 billion (source ITA US), so food security is one of this country’s critical issues. In addition, due to climate change, the increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes affect domestic food production.

Project Idea

Promote natural farming as a sustainable agricultural practice while increasing climate-resilient roots and tubers crop production.

Activities implemented (after three months of the training as of Jan 31, 2025)

After the training, Megan-san gave a presentation at her organization and proposed the above project idea. The project was well received, and officers in attendance were very interested in the concept of Natural Farming. She completes an accurate budget to submit along with the project for the upcoming year and is waiting for official approval.

Megan-san is making a presentation seriously.
Beautiful smiles after the presentation

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