Bosnia Herzegovina

Country profile

Region: East Europe (Balkans)

Area: 51,209 km2

Population: 3,434,000

Major agricultural products: maize, wheat, forage and fodder crops, barley, potatoes, vegetables and fruits

Training course

Local Industry Development in Agricultural Regions by Strengthening Capacity of Management and Marketing (B) 2018

Participant name: Mr.KECMAN Bojan (An owner of an organic farm)

Project: Promoting sustainable agriculture and foods by establishing cooperatives. (For detailed activities and photos, please click this link)

Participant name: Ms. Mirela Alijagic (A strategist of Bihac City)

Project 1: The cross-border circular and resource-efficient waste management project

Project 2: Improving the energy efficiency of public building

For detailed activities, please click this link

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