
Country profile

Region: Caribbean

Area: 110,860km2(103rd)

Population: 11,089,511(85th)

Major agricultural products: rice, avocado, and bananas

Ethnic song and dance:

FA’ATOIA (Autalavou EFKS Fa’ato’ia) : Siva fa’aleaganu’u (50th 2012)
Training course

JICA sustainable food system strategy for local industry development, class of 2024

Participant name: Yeliza-san, Michel-san

Organization: Ministry of Agriculture

Projects after taking the training

Yelitza-san’s project

Project name: Agroecology for Cuba

Project outline

Legally regulate agroecology in Cuba, its concepts, principles, and general processes for its promotion and facilitation.

Sustainability of the project

Environmental aspect: Promoting environmentally friendly agriculture

Social aspect: Promoting healthy diets with healthy domestic agricultural products

Economic aspect: Increase the profitability of agriculture by collaborating with the tourism industry

Implemented activities (after three months of the training as of Jan 31, 2025)

・Creation of a temporary, intersectoral, inter-institutional, and multi-stakeholder working group with knowledge in agroecology.

・ Preparation of preliminary draft and draft legal regulation

Michel-san’s project

Project name: Strengthening the coffee value chain with sustainable production in agricultural landscapes in the province of Baracoa

Project outline

Sales of Organic Coffee with high-quality
Sales of some subproducts (liquor or energy drinks)
Promotion of Agrotourism and Ecotourism

Project purpose

Implementing practices that enable the development of sustainable and resilient coffee production systems that promote the care and conservation of biodiversity

Sustainability of the project

Environmental aspect: Environmental friendly coffee production to reduce soil degradation and water pollution

Social aspect: Improving regional economy by strengthening the sustainable coffee value chain (Reducing urban migration)

Economic aspect: Improve the profitability of the regional coffee industry

Implemented activities (after three months of the training as of Jan 31, 2025)

Implemented activities (after three months of the training as of Jan 31, 2025)

  1. Formation of the working group in charge of preparing the diagnoses of the selected scenarios
  2. Formation of the working team that will prepare the capacity development program on monitoring, control, and management of biodiversity and natural resources
  3. Establishment of the working group in charge of preparing the capacity development program
  4. Formation of the working group in charge of evaluating the coffee value chains
  5. The forms for the diagnosis and characterization of the selected scenarios were prepared.

The current situation of the proposed project site

Among the threats that were pointed out during the execution of the project, we raised the incidence of weather events that affect the area. This is what happened in October. A brief description of the impact of Hurricane Oscar on the eastern region of Cuba is made.

Visits to the territories have not been possible. These are scheduled to begin in March, so the project execution schedule has been affected.

Develop with key stakeholders a strategy for managing sustainable production systems integrating agricultural landscape and biodiversity.

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