
Country profile

Region: Asia

Area: 331,212km2(64th)

Population: 103,808,319人(16th)

Major agricultural products: Rice, coffee, cashouts

Ethnic song and dance:

Talamasina Takapautolo 85th Birthday – Jeanavieve Valu Pome’e
Training course

JICA sustainable food system strategy for local industry development class of 2024

Participant name: Van-san

Organization: Ministry of Agriculture

Vision statement

“Sustainable development of One million hectares specializing in high-quality rice cultivation with low emission coupled with green growth in the Mekong River Delta by 2030“

Implementing the project after the training

Promoting the development of agricultural cooperatives linked to the value chain to implement

Main implemented activities

1-1 Communication to raise awareness of the spirit of cooperation and the meaningful role of agricultural cooperatives; high-quality rice production program, emission reduction: in progress

1-2 Develop Training material and organize training for cooperatives on organizing high-quality, low-emission rice production. Composing training material: in progress. It is expected to be completed by the end of February

1-3-1 Guidance on establishing new cooperatives or expanding their scale, recruiting more members, and improving service quality in cooperatives: in progress

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